
Saturday, December 22, 2018

The "SqlBuildTask" task failed unexpectedly

When using Visual Studio database projects, suddenly you will come across The "SqlBuildTask" task failed unexpectedly when building the database project.

The reason behind this error is a recent update to SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) for Visual Studio. You can find all previous releases for SSDT here.


Sunday, December 2, 2018

retrieve RadioButtonList selected value from jQuery

You can use jQery to get  RadioButtonList selected value as shown below.

var selectedVal = $('#<%= RadioButtonList.ClientID %> input:checked').val();

If you inspect the HTML DOM for a radiobutton list, you can observe that it is a set of <input type="radio"> with the same name attribute. So you can use getElementsByName to access the collection of radio buttons their index as shown below.

alert(document.getElementsByName('RadioButtonListName') [0].checked);
